« Craigslist Page Statistics and Craigslist Web Analytics Tools »
Sun January-20-2008, 9:03:09 PM
Yes, this my little craigslist counter.

Do you post ads on craigslist? Have you ever wonder how many people have actually view your ads on craigslist? Well, you don't have to wonder no more because now you can track how many page views your craigslist ads get with a little help from CLHits.

CLHits is an simple and easy solution for all your tracking needs on your craigslist ads. All you need is to register a FREE CLHits account, copy a one line html code and paste it to the end of your craigslist posts. That's all you have to do and CLHits will handle the rest for you.

CLHits will provide you with real-time web stats plus charts and graphs for all your craigslist ads. You can even download your web stats in CSV or MS Excel format. So, start tracking your craigslist ads today!